Title: Associate Professor 
E-mail: [email protected]
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7679942587401074
Orcid: ID  0000-0002-9738-5466 – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9738-5466
Scopus: ID 8374137100 – https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=8374137100
Google scholar: ID WuRE0lkAAAAJ – https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=WuRE0lkAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR&oi=ao
Research ID: C-6759-2009 – https://publons.com/researcher/2858815/luiz-e-garcez-leme/

Line of research:

Aging and the locomotor apparatus


We have in our midst a population that is aging rapidly, especially the group of the elderly, with a large number of associated diseases, complaints of the locomotor system being the most important, with a significant reduction in physical capacity, a drop in conditions required to maintain self-sufficiency and progressively increasing costs.

A differentiated and structured approach to the locomotor apparatus limitations of this population group is imposed not only as a healthcare, citizenship and humanitarian necessity, but also as a requirement for the support and survival of the public health system itself.

Aging of the locomotor apparatus is studied in our group in two lines of research:

  1. Study of locomotor aging and the development of frailty and its complications with special emphasis on frailty fractures, their mechanism, diagnosis and approach, with a special focus on shared interprofessional attention
  2. Study of physical activity and healthy aging. Study of the risks and benefits of culturally relevant physical activities among the elderly

Relevant articles:

  1. Alonso AC, Ernandes RC, Pereira RHM, Becker RA, Machado-Lima A, Silva-Santos PR, Greve JMD, Garcez-Leme LE. Bone mineral density and body composition in elderly runners: six-year follow-up. Acta Ortop Bras. 2019 Mar-Apr;27(2):92-94.doi: 10.1590/1413 785220192702214897.
  2. Serra MM, Alonso AC, Peterson M, Mochizuki L, Greve JM, Garcez-Leme LE. Balance and Muscle Strength in Elderly Women Who Dance Samba. PLoS One. 2016 Dec 1;11(12):e0166105. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0166105.
  3. Fortes-Filho SQ, Apolinario D, Melo JA, Suzuki I, Sitta Mdo C, Garcez Leme LE. Predicting delirium after hip fracture with a 2-min cognitive screen: prospective cohort study. Age Ageing. 2016 Sep;45(5):713-7. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afw084.
  4. de Araújo AL, Silva LC, Fernandes JR, Matias Mde S, Boas LS, Machado CM, Garcez-Leme LE, Benard G. Elderly men with moderate and intense training lifestyle present sustained higher antibody responses to influenza vaccine. Age (Dordr). 2015 Dec;37(6):105. doi: 10.1007/s11357-015-9843-4.
  5. Silva LC, de Araújo AL, Fernandes JR, Matias Mde S, Silva PR, Duarte AJ, Garcez Leme LE, Benard G. Moderate and intense exercise lifestyles attenuate the effects of aging on telomere length and the survival and composition of T cell subpopulations. Age (Dordr). 2016 Feb;38(1):24. doi: 10.1007/s11357-016-9879-0.